Week 1 Theme: Self-Love and Self-Reflection

Day 2: Embracing Self-Love: Be Confidence

Confidence is the quiet assurance that allows individuals to navigate life's challenges with self-assuredness. It's a belief in one's abilities, a positive self-image, and the courage to take risks. Confidence isn't born overnight; it's a skill that's nurtured through experience, self-acceptance, and personal growth. When we possess confidence, we're more willing to embrace opportunities, learn from setbacks, and project our true selves to the world. It's the cornerstone of self-esteem and a driving force behind our achievements, reminding us that we are capable of more than we might initially believe. In essence, confidence is the empowering force that enables us to face life with enthusiasm and resilience.

  • How are you feeling today?
    • Today was similar to yesterday. Nothing exciting. Just mundane daily life. Go to work in the morning and I got to spend more time with my colleagues today for lunch and after work.
  • What are you grateful for today?
    • Got to watch sunset at the Wan Chai pier
    • Make new friend at work!
    • Got time to finish another module for SwiftUI course

  • I feel most confident when I feels good in my body. I know I ate healthy food, had a good workout sessions  and don't feel bloated. Pair with a good outfit, thats when I feel most confidence. Even when I feel horrible emotionally, I feels like I can face the world and carry on with my responsibilities. It may sounds bad, but I think its good in training the mind to not stay in bad mood and upset.

  • On different occasion, I feels confidence when discussing about things that I like. For example, about food, travel, life in general, psychology, lifestyle, self-love, self-improvement and so on. I don't feel confidence at all when people talk about Crypto, coding, movies, management and so on. Some people said that I'm shallow, but people are different and they have different strength and weaknesses. I accept who I am and I always try to upgrade myself. 

How about you?
