Week 2 Theme: Goal Setting, System and Vision

Day 10: Set your future self for success

  • How are you feeling today?
    • Today was hard. I dont feel like doing anything and function at all. Its hard to force myself to do work, to eat, to workout, to exist. But thankfully, I manage to do all of them. To show up for myself and be graceful towards myself. I workout 15mins instead of 30mins, bought my lunch instead of cooking it, and getting ready to work feels like an achievement. Today was one of those days.
  • What are you grateful for today?
    • Make myself to work
    • Tomorrow is Saturday, I can take time to rest
    • Manage to finish up Day 10 of journaling

I watch a Youtube video about this. When he is talking about you can do whatever and whenever. Nothing need to be in order. Like for example, if you want to write a book, instead of trying to start on epilogue, why done you start from one of the scene and build your story around it. Which make me thinks that totally brilliant but its not easy to do. I'm not a perfectionist but I am having trouble to start on gals thats very dear to me. Im afraid its gonna fail. But not starting it means it will never happen. So thats something I need to work on. Actually I'm working on it right now. I have a list of to-do for one of my goals. And I just go on the list and pick the one I can do for the day. At least I'll do it every day and I know its 1 step closer to my dreams!

What you think about this? Can you think of anything that you can just start? 
