Week 2 Theme: Goal Setting, System and Vision

Day 14: Balance

  • How are you feeling today?
    • Today was better. I slept early last night, had a good rest, woke up early in the morning, workout, coffee and Eric Kayser and head to the office. Thankfully today I feel better. And I cried yesterday. So much so, that today I felt better
  • What are you grateful for today?
    • I had KFC for lunch today, small things that makes me happy
    • I felt better today than yesterday
    • Had catch up session with Goran
    • Got time to learn about Wordpress

Life balance is involves juggling professional responsibilities, personal relationships, self-care, and leisure in a way that prevents burnout and nurtures a fulfilling life. To maintain a healthy life balance, it's crucial to set priorities and establish clear boundaries. Regular self-reflection helps identify areas that need attention. Few ways that I believe can balance things out in our life are
  • Embracing the power of saying 'no' when necessary 
  • Cultivating the ability to delegate tasks 
  • Incorporating self-care rituals, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies
  • Time management. Find the best method for you to allocate times in finishing the work, either it is time block, pomodoro etc.
Ultimately, life balance is a dynamic dance, requiring adaptability, self-awareness, and a conscious effort to create a life that is not only productive but also rich in meaning and joy.