Day 1 Embracing Self-Love: Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

Whenever I talk about self love, it will automatically linked to limiting beliefs. Because I think the reason why we have trouble loving ourselves its because we believe that we are not enough. Self-love is a journey, not a destination. It's a path that we tread, sometimes with ease and sometimes with trepidation.

The Chains of Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are the quiet whispers of self-doubt that echo in the corners of our minds. They tell us we're not good enough, not smart enough, not worthy enough. These beliefs create a self-imposed prison, locking us away from self-love and the endless possibilities life has to offer. To break free from these chains, lets start by recognizing and challenging these limiting beliefs. Understand that they are just stories you've been telling yourself. Challenge the negativity with positive affirmations, and over time, it will begin reshape the self-perception. Let's try it!

Week 1 Theme: Self-Love and Self-Reflection

  • How are you feeling today
    • Im feeling okay. Last week was hard. I was down the majority days of the week. Work is the only reason I'm out of bed even though it was not so driven. But this week I'm feeling hopeful again. I'm really praying that I got the thing that I need. It will help massively let go half of the burden that I'm carrying on my shoulder right now. Pray for me.
  • What are you grateful for today
    • I'm grateful that today I got to catch up with a friend who recently had a baby. Listening to his new daily life and stories make me smile and giggle cause its so different from mine. I sort of can relate but not really haha
    • I'm grateful that today I went out to have lunch with my friends. Its nice to mingle and socialize with people that I'm comfortable with
    • I'm grateful that today I reached out to 3 friends who are dear to me but we no longer got to meet and talk often because they have different life and live in different countries now

My biggest limiting belief I have is that I believe that I'm not SMART enough. Not smart enough to code, to run a business, to make conversation, to be a content creator, to invest, to write a book, to share my wisdom and the list goes on. There are few things that I procrastinate at the moment from doing because I'm afraid to fail again. Fail can be great, cause then you can learn how to UN-FAIL. The next time you tried it will come from experiences and you are not starting from zero. The hardest part is from 0 - 1. Then things should get easier from there. Which i know but I still have a hard time letting it go. Because from my past experiences, when that happen I crashed. It took long time for me to recover. Some of the things that was failed back then, I never touch it again. 

Looking back at those failure today, Im trying to figure out 2 things; 1 Why did it fail? 2 How to reduce the chance of failing? As an outcome, I'm attempting to do this 30days of Journaling Challenge and trying to figure out the answer to those 2 things. Whats different? Well, glad you asked. I'm going to approach this project with these items:-

  1. Do lots of research on what I want to do and how am I going to do it
  2. Divide into small bite pieces of the things I need to do
  3. Make as much preparation as possible for success cause this is a promise towards myself
  4. Put a relevant expectation of the outcomes of this project versus of what I actually want
  5. I plan it for a month but I'm taking it day-by-day
  6. Leave some space for error and growth
  7. Just start and let go
Given said that, I'm helpful to get positive outcomes from this challenge and I'm going to put my best effort to success!

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
