ps: Can this be my wall of fame on my wedding day? No, im not getting married.

Salam and hi everyone,

Today I would to talk about things to do before 2019. Can you believe that we are approaching fast into 2019. We literally have another 2 months to go. So here is few things that I will do before this year end. Join me?

1. Review My Year So Far

Before moving forward, I need to know where I am at the moment so that I can make last minute changes for the better so that I will finish strong. At this moment I can say I'm halfway there. Its not where I want to be yet but I'm on my way. 

2. Budgeting

Here is one important thing for me to tackle on. I'm planning to buy a property next year and have more saving in my pockets. So I need to have better planning on my budgeting. And, my transition to my new job and new country is as hard as it can be. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong (thats always my story, whats new) and honestly I've yet to settled. Hopefully before this year end I can grasp things that happen in my life. I will keep you updated.

3. Ask Myself, 'What do I really need and make me Happy?'

As you guys know, I move for better work opportunities to Hong Kong. I basically left everything back in Kuala Lumpur and just bring 2 luggages with me and move here. I only bring stuff that I really need and treasure with me and honestly havent done any shopping in a while. Things I bought here just few things here and there and necessity. I really want to go all out for shopping which I plan to do that during my Europe trip next month. I'm sure will bring you along. 
But before I did that, I need to re evaluate on what do I really need and what makes me happy. Since I live on my owns I have lots of times to think and reflects on myself for my past years.

4. Set a goal - Monthly and Last one for the year

We all should set a goal our life to get us excited for the day. I've been on and off about being excited to get up and start my day. I do have 1 goal this year before its end is to subscribe to a gym and personal trainer. I'm quite good with moving around and keep my calori burned but this time I really want to get into it and feel exhausted from the day.

5. Cook More

I did cook but its not as much as I thought I will do. My plan is to learn about food as much as I can and learn to meal prep healthy food. Because most of the time when I'm cooking I tend to choose something simple and just easy to prepare. Lets learn nutrition and food pyramids.

6. Be more responsible human being

Less plastics, save on electricity and water, read more, capsule wardrobe, gluten free food, more greens, more upbeats, be grounded, grateful, thankful and forgiving

7. Work harder

I need to work harder towards the things that I enjoy doing. I love blogging and filming videos. So I need to do more of this and try to find some friends who did similar things here in Hong Kong. If you are of them, hook me up :P It can get pretty secluded and alone when you working on your own and no one to talk to. So far, I found none. I wonder why but what do I know? And, I want to feel like I'm making more impacts at my workplace. It seems like people are take sided, disconnected and trying to stab each other from behind. 

8. Have Fun While it Last

I read and saw a lot of death these past months. Either it be tsunami in Sulawesi or the firemen team in my own country. It make me realize that death can come anytime either or not you ready. I know I didnt live my life at my full potential. There is so much I wanted to do and things I wanted to see but there is limitation. Hopefully when that happen to me, its not become a burden to people around me. 

9. Reaching out

This is one thing that I'm bad with, to reach out to people. Be it my friends or family its just always thrown out of the window. Most of the time not because I forgot about them its just I feel like I have lots going on in my life that makes me sad and negative, reaching out to them can be a parasite or a burden. They have their own life too and happily living with their love one and what did I do. Go say hi and cry because I'm mad or upset. Dont you think I'm such a downer? When shits keeps on happening in your life, how positive can you be? I struggle a lot but I hate to stripping people down so I just let myself drown and try to pick it up myself on my own. Its long way to go but will start with my immediate family.

10. Whats the plan for the future

Last but not least is to think about my future. What do I want to achieve next year? Next 3 years? Next 5 years? I have rough idea where I want to go but I thing for sure I want to move to London or Canada. How? When? Where? With who? I dont know. But I know I need to find my way there before going home. 

How is it? Hows your answer to these questions/topics above? I hope its helping you in one way or another. We still have time. Start now.
